Knowledge can be obtained from anywhere, but it is difficult to obtain without education or learning. In Indonesia, the education process requires a strategy or method so that students can explore and develop their potential, which is called the education system. The education system needs to be continuously updated and added innovations so that it can compete with developed countries in the world and support the quality of the next generation of the Indonesian nation. Moreover, Indonesia will be in a demographic bonus starting in 2015- 2035 with a dependency ratio ranging from 0.4-0.5. This situation can be used to support educational innovation. Although in an effort to advance the quality of Indonesian education, we encounter various obstacles. Changing curriculum, messy school administration, unattractive class atmosphere, violence in class, bullying and seniority, even to the rise of cases of harassment by unscrupulous teachers against students. Many of these cases are not revealed and over time it becomes something that is natural and is not responded to in order to find the best solution. In addition, the facilities provided by the school are often not sufficient to support optimal learning activities. With the literature study research method, we offer an IOT-based integrated smart school that can create smart schools that can overcome various problems in the educational environment, make innovations to support better quality education in Indonesia and support SDGs point 4, namely quality education and point 16, namely peace. , justice, and strong institutions.
1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Humans cannot be separated from knowledge. Knowledge itself is difficult to obtain without education or learning. In the educational process, a strategy or method is needed so that students can explore and develop a potential in themselves which is called the education system. Each country has a different education system according to the type of student from each country. Such as Japan which is famous for implementing a technology- based education system [1], United State with The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), and Finland which is said to be a country with a benchmark education system for undergraduates [2]. Meanwhile, Indonesia uses the National Education System since the issuance of Law no. 20 of 2003, as an embodiment to develop society into quality human beings in line with responding to the challenges of an ever-changing era [3].
In its management, the National Education System is held centrally, in which the objectives of education, learning materials and methods, educational staff to requirements for promotion are regulated by the central government and applicable nationally [4]. Although it is said that the community plays a role as a partner of the government in providing education, in practice it is still determined by the government. An example is in universities, students in Indonesia are given strict guidelines per semester and courses. This is in contrast to universities in Germany which are more demanding of their students to decide for themselves, meaning that students in Germany get enormous freedom to determine their future [5]. Efforts to improve the quality of education in the education system have to do with character education as a priority for developing human resources. Indonesia, which previously used the KTSP curriculum, was changed since 2013 using the 2013 curriculum which is oriented towards developing the character of students [6]. In the implementation of education, teachers will be used as role models by their students. Therefore, the performance of teachers who have positive characteristics, stable emotional intelligence, and master the subject matter and discipline can lead to educational success [7]. The National Education System was created with the assumption and hope that Indonesian education in the future has a bright future. However, Indonesia is actually included in the list of countries with low quality education compared to other countries in ASEAN [8]. This education system also causes an error in the educational paradigm where education is seen as secularism. 20 of 2003 article 15 [9]. In other words, Indonesia is still experiencing a degradation of the meaning of education empirically[10]. The education system in Indonesia compared to other countries is more colored with competition and a lot of learning burden because students are not led to only focus on their potential and skills but are required to do so. carry out learning equally from one student to another [11].
The demographic bonus occurs when the population structure with the number of productive ages (15-64 years) is very large, while the proportion of the young population is getting smaller and the proportion of the elderly population is not so large. This is a breath of fresh air where Indonesia will gain economic benefits due to a decrease in the dependency ratio as a result of the process of reducing infant mortality and decreasing fertility in the long term. However, this demographic bonus will not be useful if it is not prepared in such a way, for example by improving the quality of human resources, opening up employment opportunities in accordance with the quality of these human resources[12]. The demographic bonus period in Indonesia starts in 2015-2035 with a dependency ratio (dependency ratio ranges from 0.4-0.5, which means that every 100 people of productive age bear 40-50 people of unproductive age (Kompasiana.com). The proportion of children's age -Children less than 15 years old will continue to decrease compared to the working age population.Based on data from the Inter-Census Population Survey (SUPAS 2015) the number of dependents in 2015 was 49.2, which means that every 100 people of productive age (15- 64 years) bear the burden of 49. ,2 non-productive age population (less than 15 years and 65 years and over). On the occasion of this demographic bonus, the Indonesian people have a great opportunity to spur productivity and economic growth where economic growth is expected to increase saving for the progress of the nation's prosperity. This will have an impact on the increase in welfare that is felt decades later. Meanwhile the demographic bonus can be a sword double-edged, which on the one hand becomes a potential if it is able to take the opportunities and on the other hand it will become a boomerang, namely a burden if the government is not ready with its human resources[13].
The world of education is the main key to the demographic bonus. To produce quality and skilled human resources, it is necessary to have the cooperation of all levels of society and related institutions. To create a young generation that is productive and has special skills, it is necessary to have continuous education and training in educational institutions or institutions. Educational institutions need to prepare graduates who are able to compete in the industrial world. With qualified graduates who are able to create their own jobs, they are considered capable of dealing with the demographic bonus phenomenon. But not only that, the younger generation must also be able to create jobs in order to contribute to helping the government in reducing unemployment. The unemployment rate during the demographic bonus period is expected to increase because the number of productive age is not proportional to the number of jobs[14].
At this time our world of education is faced with technological advances or so-called 21st century skills, of course this has a very important role in improving Indonesian education which must coexist with technology. However, technology will continue to develop, so education must be able to accompany it. If our education goes well, it will produce good and quality human resources, this will create a demographic bonus for Indonesia or the birth of a golden generation of the nation that will help Indonesia become a better country than before, we can even coexist with other countries. developed countries and the rapid development of technology globally. In fact, at this time our education has not shown a very good change, this can be seen from the large number of unemployed which makes the population in Indonesia not yet productive.
One of the school's problems that have been endless for a long time is administrative problems that seem complicated. In fact, administration is very important because it includes all data collection about schools. According to [14], student administration is an important school management, whose activities are outside of learning activities, but affect the achievement of educational goals. In addition, there are still many schools that do not have complete facilities or we often encounter facilities that are not suitable for use. For example, a shabby canteen with unhealthy snacks or smelly and dirty toilets.
Not only about administration and school facilities, problems can also come from people who we consider to have a positive role in education. Individuals who move neatly so that their crimes are not known by the public are a scourge in the educational environment. In addition, cases of bullying that were not detected and could not be handled, sexual harassment by teachers or school staff made students silent and did not dare to report. Problems like this, of course, must be resolved immediately so that there is no continuous sustainability.
Quoted from the kominfo page, the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is a transformation effort towards improvement by integrating the online world and production lines in industry, where all production processes run with the internet as the main support. Players in this industry allow computers to connect to each other to finally make decisions without human involvement. The combination of cyber-physical systems, internet of things (IoT) and Internet of Systems makes industry 4.0 possible [15]. This can be used to create a smartschool.
This smart school was initiated by an IoT-based integration that is practical and efficient. This idea is also aimed at achieving relevant and effective learning as an effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. With this idea, it is hoped that quality education can be realized so that the demographic bonus in Indonesia can be maximized. Based on this, this idea is also in line with SDGs point 4, namely quality education.
1.2 Problem Formulation
a. What makes the IoT-Based Integrated Smart School system applicable in schools?
b. How to implement the IoT-Based Integrated Smart School system in schools?
1.3 Research Objectives
a. Creating smart schools that can solve various problems in the educationalenvironment.
b. Innovate to support a better quality of education in Indonesia.
c. Support SDGs point 4, namely quality education and point 16, namely peace, justice, and strong institutions.
4. Conclusion
In 2020 Indonesia experienced a demographic change from the results of the previous census, namely in 2010 the number of productive age population between 15 and 64 years in Indonesia reached 70.72%. Thus, Indonesia is in the initial period of the demographic bonus, so that this condition must be utilized to become a great opportunity for Indonesia to improve the welfare and prosperity of the community, if productive people have quality human resources who can assist and contribute to development. One form of effort in improving the quality of human resources is by revitalizing education such as utilizing the facilities and infrastructure in schools efficiently and effectively. The presence of the internet in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 also contributes to the field of education. Based on these conditions, an intelligent integrated school management idea was made which in the learning process would involve the Internet of Things to achieve relevant and effective learning as an effort to improve education in Indonesia. Conception consists of school safety and security systems such as digital archive systems, and automated disaster early warning systems. Then learning innovations such as the use of augmented reality in the learning process, fingerprint technology as a substitute for manual attendance, and SEFATU which is a web-based application designed to handle the process of managing academic data and other related data, so that the entire academic process can be managed into useful information in school management, decision making, and environmental reporting. Meanwhile, the electricity system in schools utilizes solar electricity because it can save costs and also contribute to reducing global warming because it does not use fuel or produce hazardouswaste to the environment.
In realizing this idea, collaboration with various parties is needed, namely academics, the Education Office, and information technology experts. The implementation of this idea can certainly be realized based on the synergy of cooperation from various parties starting from the planning, preparation and implementation stages, to the monitoring, evaluation and development stages. The implementation of this idea will take about seven years to complete, accompanied by various improvements and system improvements that will continue to be made.
With this idea, it is hoped that relevant and effective learning can be achieved as an effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. In this way, the demographic bonus in Indonesia can be utilized to the fullest so as to create a prosperous and prosperous Indonesia. Based on this explanation, it is hoped that this idea can realize SDGs point 4, namely quality education.
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