Selasa, 27 September 2022



Suicide is an intentional attempt to end one's life by hurting or torturing oneself. The number

of deaths due to suicide in the world is approaching 800,000 deaths per year or 1 death every

40 seconds. When one person dies by suicide, there are an estimated 20 suicide attempts.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the 15-29 year age group and 79% occur in low

and middle-income countries (WHO, 2018). Every case of suicide that occurs will leave an

impact on family, friends, and society as well as long-term consequences for those left behind.

Countries in the world are committed to reducing the number of deaths due to suicide (suicide

rate) by 10% by 2020, as stated in the WHO Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020. In addition,

the death rate due to suicide is one of the indicators of target 3.4 of the Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs), whereby in 2030 the death rate due to suicide must be reduced by

one-third (Kemenkes, 2019). For this reason, September 10 is celebrated as World Suicide

Prevention Day. This warning has the aim of increasing public attention and awareness of the

needs of people who are at risk of suicide and survivors of attempted suicide attempts. The

methods used by people who attempt suicide are very diverse, namely jumping from the top of

buildings, hanging themselves, drinking poison and pesticides, and several other ways.

Many factors make a person have the urge to attempt suicide. The case of suicide when

examined through the framework of sociological studies shows that the weak factor of social

integration and the phenomenon of copycatting (imitating other people) are the main causes of

rampant suicides. Weak social integration is reflected in various problems of the perpetrators

who are personal (private), including the result of a breakup, never-ending studies, and

financial crushes (Nugroho, 2012). Things become even murkier when they have nowhere to

complain and share stories. Overseas students are the people who have the potential to

experience loneliness because they are far from their families and tend to face their problems

because they do not want to add to the burden of family thoughts. The lack of students'

willingness to engage in social interactions also makes them feel alone when facing problems

that adversely affect their mental health.

Improving mental health literacy is one way to do prevention in terms of knowledge, belief,

and mental health management, especially for students to prevent suicidal ideation. In addition,

at the healing stage, the campus provides complete facilities or applies peer counseling to

students to overcome and carry out early detection of mental disorders that are at risk of

attempted suicide (Idham et al, 2019). As a place for literacy related to suicide attempts, peer

sharing, or the same problem as well as consultations that are packaged into one and can be

widely accessed, an online platform called “ASKARA ASA” was initiated. The goal is that the

community, especially overseas students, can easily access and get help in dealing with and

solving problems to reduce the risk of stress and depression that result in suicide attempts.


Suicide is an act of ending one's life by intentionally hurting oneself. According to data, in the

world every year there are hundreds of thousands of lives lost due to suicide. The young age

group is the age group that often attempts suicide attempts and often ends up in death. There

have been many attempts by the government or various parties to prevent such suicides.

However, the behavior of ending life remains a case that is increasing every day, especially

among students in Indonesia who migrate. There are various factors that cause a person's desire

to end his life, such as weak social integration and the copycat phenomenon which is currently

the main cause of suicide by various groups.

With this big problem, various efforts are needed to prevent the increasing number of suicides.

Literacy related to mental health is one of the efforts to provide knowledge, understanding, and

management of mental health. One of the efforts to increase mental health literacy is through

the Askara Asa platform which can be a forum for various groups to express all the problems

they have faced through sharing and consultation in one place that can be accessed anywhere

and anytime. Askara Asa as a website platform is the most appropriate place for mental health

fighters and survivors because it can be a means of expressing all feelings experienced.

As a superior platform, Askara Asa certainly requires a wider introduction to the general public

so that they can access and use the Askara Asa website. Askara Asa contains excellent features

that can be used by users to find out various information related to mental health through

sharing sessions, literature, consultation, campaigns, audio therapy, and webinars. Meanwhile,

Askara Asa also needs support from various parties to be able to implement this idea properly

and on target. So, with this support, Askara Asa will provide benefits to others and become a

platform that can contribute to the world, especially in preventing suicide.


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