Selasa, 01 November 2022

Samora Flakes: Innovation of Banana Peel Cereals and Moringa Leaf Extracts as Stunting Prevention Efforts in Toddlers to Realizing Global Nutrition Targets and SDGs 2030


Stunting is one form of malnutrition that is a serious problem in developing

countries such as Indonesia. Stunting adversely affects children's intelligence,

triggers non-communicable diseases, reduces child productivity, and becomes

the leading cause of death in toddlers. There are several factors that cause

stunting, one of which is the lack of intake of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals so

that children experience chronic malnutrition. The authors gave an innovative

idea by utilizing banana peel waste formulated with moringa leaf extract as a

cereal-making ingredient named samora flakes. Samora flakes is a

complementary food that can be a solution to prevent stunting in toddlers. This

paper writing uses a qualitative approach by describing the concept of the

nutritional content of the materials used and analyzing the existence of products

through previous research that has been done. Based on the results of the

analysis, banana peel contains carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat, iron, calcium,

manganese, and potassium which are very good for the growth and development

of children. Meanwhile, the content contained in moringa leaves can also

overcome nutritional deficiencies in children. Analysis of the benefits of samora

flakes products can be seen from aspects of health, environment, and

sustainability. Judging from the health aspect, samora flakes contribute to

preventing the occurrence of non-communicable diseases and reducing the

death rate of toddlers due to stunting. In the environmental aspect of making

samora flakes products reduce waste produced by the agricultural sector into

healthy and nutritious food processing. It can be concluded that samora flakes

contributes to realizing the goals of the Global Nutrition Target in 2025 and the

second point SDGs are zero hunger.

Keywords: Banana Peel, Health, Moringa Leaves, Samora Flakes, Stunting

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Stunting is one form of malnutrition that is a serious problem in

developing countries such as Indonesia. The statement is evidenced by data

from SSGI which reported that stunting in Indonesia still reached 24.4% in

2021 (Ministry of Health, 2021). Although it decreased by 1.6% compared to

2019, the figure is still very high compared to the stunting target

recommended by WHO which is less than 20%.

Stunting is a condition of failure to grow in children that adversely affects

the child's intelligence, triggers non-communicable diseases, reduces child

productivity, and becomes the leading cause of death in toddlers. Stunting is

one of the main challenges faced by the health sector by accounting for 45%

of toddler deaths (Indriani and Retno, 2018). Thus reducing stunting cases at

the age of children becomes the first target set by the Global Nutrition Target

in 2025 and becomes a leading indicator on the second SDGs point to achieve

zero hunger (Wicaksono and Harsanti, 2020).

Marlina, Triana and Fanora (2022) reported that maternal education,

income, parenting, and exclusive breastfeeding are factors that cause stunting

in toddlers. In this case, the main cause of stunting that occurs in Indonesia is

a lack of intake of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals so that children experience

chronic malnutrition. So, it takes preventive efforts in preventing stunting

cases by utilizing the potential of Indonesia. In general, stunting prevention is

focused on the first 1000 days of life that begin early in pregnancy until the

child is two years old (Zia, Asif and Rehman, 2021).

Prevention of stunting in toddlers can be done by feeding breast milk

companions in accordance with WHO standards consisting of local ingredients

and easy to obtain. One of the possibilities of local food that is very abundant

in Indonesia is bananas. Based on data published by BPS (2020) banana

production in Indonesia reached 8,182,756.00 tons. However, the potential of

bananas leads to an increase in banana peel waste. Banana peels constitute

40% of the total weight of bananas that are only used as animal feed, fertilier,

or become solid waste (Sari, Fadhilah and Alvioni, 2020) This shows that

banana peels have not been utilized optimally. Whereas banana peels has

complete nutritional content such as carbohydrate, fat, calcium, phosphorus,

iron, vitamins B and C, water, and protein that are able to meet more than

50% of the needs of toddlers (Sari, Fadhilah and Alvioni, 2020). In addition to

banana peels, stunting prevalence can also be solved by utilizing local food

sources, namely moringa leaves (Sukenti, Rosida and Rosalina, 2020). The

nutritional content in moringa leaves is quite complete such as natural

minerals, antioxidants, proteins, and micronutrients (Putra et al. , 2021)

Based on the background above, it gives rise to the solution idea of the

author, namely banana peel cereal with the addition of moringa leaf extract

named samora flakes. Samora flakes is a complementary food that can

prevent stunting and nourish toddlers. Samora flakes can be a solution and

realize the Global Nutrition Target in 2025 and achieve the SDGs goal of zero


1.2. Problem Formula

The high number of stunting cases in Indonesia is one of the problems in

the health sector. Stunting can cause adverse effects on a child's intelligence,

decrease productivity, trigger non-communicable diseases, and cause death

in toddlers. The existence of local food potential moringa leaves and banana

peels that can prevent stunting has not been utilized optimally.

1.3. Purpose

Providing cereal innovation as a complementary food in overcoming

stunting in toddlers through the utilization of local food, namely moringa leaves

and banana peel waste.

1.4. Benefit

For the government this cereal can be a solution in overcoming the

problem of stunting while optimizing the potential of local food owned by

Indonesia. For students this cereal innovation becomes a means in

implementing the science that has been studied in lectures. For the general

public this cereal can be an alternative to breast milk companion foods that

are easily obtained so that they can provide nutritional intake in toddlers.

4. Conclusion

Samora flakes becomes one of the food innovation solutions by utilizing

banana peel waste and moringa leaves as a deterrent to stunting in toddlers.

Samora flakes in the form of instant cereals that are practical so that it is

preferred by the public. According to some studies, banana peels have a good

nutritional content as a source of energy. Meanwhile, the study also reported

that moringa leaves are effective in preventing stunting at the age of children

0-24 months, where at the age of slash a child needs more food that contains

a lot of nutrients. So Samora flakes is one of the right solutions as a

complementary food breast milk to prevent stunting. Samora flakes also have

several benefits judging from the health aspect, environmental aspect, and

sustainability aspect. Therefore, Samora flakes also contribute to realizing the

goals of the Global Nutrition Target in 2025 and the SDGs, the second point is

zero hunger.


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